Commercial Modification - Your 2nd Revenue Stream

- Over 4.6 Trillion – Total CRE Debt Outstanding (Q1 / 2025)
- Delinquency Expected Increase Through 2026 Due to Rising Interest Rates
- 39% (1.5 Trillion) Held by Local and Regional Banks
- 21% (798 Billion) Held by Agency/GSE
- 15% (577 Billion) Held by Life Companies
- 14% (529 Billion) Held by CMBS, CDO Issues
- Hotel Delinquency = 9.5%
- Retail Delinquency = 7.8%
- Office Delinquency Exceeds 10%
- Apartment Delinquency up 200 basis points
- 100% Turnkey Program!
- No New Lender Needed
- No Licensing Required in Any State Other Than AZ?
- No Experience Necessary – We Provide All You Need?
- Huge Earning Potential – 1% – 3% of Outstanding Loan Balance?
- Mod Clients Pay Up Front – Get Cash in The Door Next Few Weeks?
- Earn 2x on Each Client – 1st Upon Mod, 2nd Upon Refinance Later
- Turn CRE Declines into Cash vs. Discarding
• 98% Renewal Rate on the program (2008 – 2024)
• Avg Commission on Portfolio loan= $34,000.00
• Avg Commission on CMBS loan = $56,000.00
• Avg Time to First Deal Closed = 2.5 weeks
• Most common property types = Hotels, Restaurants, Retail, hospitality
• Avg Loan Type = Portfolio 68%
• Avg ROI within 60 days = 26x Program Investment
* Average Closing Ratio = 38% – DO THE MATH!
View Commercial Mod Media Kit Here>
Turn Your Current Commercial Refinance Declines Into Instant Cash!
We Provide A 100% Turn-Key Solution To Help You Get Started!
CALL US TODAY: 877-546-7005 For Details.
Earn Huge Commissions Assisting Distressed Borrowers and Earn 2x When the Property Stabilizes and They Refinance Down the Road.
With Higher Rates… Many asset classes have been affected by valuation decline due to lower cash flow and higher operation costs caused by increased vacancy, higher financing rates causing greater DSCR stress.
As a Result, many banks are either not refinancing maturing loans due to rising rates causing a decrease in current DSCR ratios and or employing tougher underwriting requirements to protect against future losses.
Commercial Workouts / Modifications Present The Best Opportunity to Earn Huge Commissions While Helping Distressed Borrowers. With Over 4.6 Trillion in Commercial Outstanding Debt and 10s of Billions Due to Mature in The Next Year Alone The commercial modification market will provide a 2 – 3 year window of cash flow helping CRE owners save their property, equity and jobs all while making a pretty good living.
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COMMERCIAL MODIFICATION SUMMARY - Click the > below to expand
We Provide A 100% Turnkey Solution to Help You Get Started with Commercial Modifications Including A Comprehensive Power Point, Sample Docs, Forms, Agreement, Auto Calculating Spreadsheets, Scripts and More.Â
We’ll Help You Analyze and Prepare Your First 5 – 50 Cases (depending on which program level you choose)Â To Get You Up and Running. We’ll Do The Initial Analysis and Subsequent Modification Proposal Preparation For Your Clients With You as The Liaison To Both Bank and Borrower.Â
You Can Earn 2 Commissions From Every Modification / Workout. First From The Mod Itself (1% – 3% of the outstanding loan balance) and Then Later Down The Road When The Property Stabilizes and You’re Able To Secure Permanent Financing.Â